When one is in a high vibrational state, the mind becomes attuned to positive, uplifting, and constructive frequencies. As a result, it predominantly attracts and generates positive thoughts, emotions of love, gratitude, and joy, as well as innovative and beneficial ideas. It's akin to tuning into a radio station that plays harmonious music.
On the flip side, a low vibrational state tunes the mind to frequencies that evoke negative thoughts, feelings of despair, anger, or sadness, and unproductive or harmful ideas. It's like being stuck on a station broadcasting discordant notes and distressing news.
The vibrational frequency one maintains acts as a selector, determining the quality and type of thoughts, emotions, and ideas one will predominantly experience. Hence, the energy or frequency one embodies directly dictates the content that fills their mind.
If you ever find yourself harboring negative ideas, feeling stuck, or perceiving that things aren't unfolding as they should, it's an indication that you're resonating at a lower frequency. In such states, the mind tends to attract further negativity, hindering development, success, and happiness. For instance, individuals trapped in such a vibrational rut might echo positive affirmations daily, yet see no tangible benefits because their core frequency remains unaltered.
To truly shift one's mindset and emotions, a conscious "pivot" and elevation of one's vibrations are essential. Once this is achieved, the mind, akin to a radio tuned to particular frequencies, will begin to channel more uplifting thoughts, sensations, and overall well-being.
Deep-Rooted Influences on Our Vibrational State
Several undercurrents run deep, influencing our vibrational frequency:
Past Traumas: Lingering traumas act as anchors, pulling us into lower vibrational realms. They cloud our perception, inducing fears and negative emotions, and, unless addressed, can permanently hamper our vibrational elevation.
Subconscious Beliefs and Ancestral Energies: Deep-seated beliefs, even those from past lives or inherited from our ancestors, profoundly shape our vibrational state. Powerful experiences from past lives, whether they are traumatic events or vows made, continue to exert influence, sometimes causing unexplained fears or behavioral patterns in the current life.
Integrity in Expression: Truthful communication is crucial. Whenever we veil the truth, we not only deceive others but also distort our vibrational frequency. Such distortions can send misguided "requests" to the universe, resulting in us attracting what we didn't intend.
The Importance of Virtues in Relation to High Vibrations
Virtues can be thought of as the moral compass or the inherent values that guide our actions, thoughts, and interactions with others. Rooted deeply in the primal energies that form the foundation of the universe, virtues are not just integral to our human essence but also to the very fabric of existence itself. They are the embodiment of our highest potential, representing the purest and most powerful vibrations known. These vibrations, the very same ones that underpin the cosmos, underscore the profound significance of virtues.
When we align ourselves with these virtues, we tap into the highest frequencies, elevating our own vibrational state and reflecting the very best of human nature and universal design.
Elevation of Personal Energy: Virtues such as compassion, honesty, and gratitude resonate at high frequencies. When we cultivate these virtues, we naturally begin to vibrate at a higher level. This elevated state can lead to feelings of joy, peace, and overall well-being.
Alignment with Universal Energy: The universe responds to the energy we project. When our energy is imbued with virtues, it aligns more harmoniously with the positive energies of the universe. This alignment can lead to more synchronicities, positive outcomes, and a sense of flow in life.
A Magnet for Positive Experiences: Just as the Law of Attraction suggests, like attracts like. When we operate from a place of virtue, we become magnets for positive experiences and interactions. People are naturally drawn to those who exude genuine virtue, creating more meaningful and uplifting connections.
A Shield Against Negativity: Virtues act as a protective barrier. When grounded in virtues, negative energies, or low-vibration situations find it harder to penetrate our aura or affect our mindset.
Facilitates Spiritual Growth: Virtues, being inherently linked to our higher selves, pave the way for spiritual growth and enlightenment. They act as stepping stones, guiding us on our journey toward higher consciousness and deeper understanding.
Benefits of Possessing Virtues:
Enhanced Relationships: Virtuous behavior fosters trust, understanding, and mutual respect in relationships, leading to deeper connections with others.
Personal Growth: The consistent practice of virtues challenges us to rise above our baser instincts, facilitating personal growth and self-improvement.
Increased Resilience: Virtues like patience and fortitude grant us the strength to face challenges head-on, making us more resilient in the face of adversity.
Inner Peace: When we act in alignment with our virtues, it brings a sense of congruence and inner peace, knowing that our actions are in harmony with our true selves.
Positive Legacy: Living a life steeped in virtues ensures that our impact on the world is positive, leaving behind a legacy of goodness and inspiration for others.
In essence, virtues not only elevate our vibrational frequency but also enrich our lives in manifold ways, from personal well-being to the positive impact we have on the world around us.
The difference: Qualities and Virtues
While both qualities and virtues influence our vibrational state, they differ in their depth and consistency:
Quality: Represents situational traits. For instance, a person might choose to overlook a waiter's rudeness one day and react negatively the next. It’s a situational judgment.
Virtue: These are deeply ingrained traits that consistently dictate our reactions. In the same scenario, a person with the virtue of compassion will consistently approach such situations with understanding, irrespective of external circumstances. However, this does not imply that such a person cannot or should not defend themselves. They can indeed stand their ground, but they do so in a controlled and mindful manner. They discern the state and motives of the other person, allowing them to respond with a blend of compassion and self-assurance, ensuring that their actions, even in defense, are rooted in understanding and empathy.